

Specialized in medical imaging & volume visualization

A WebGL-based 3D medical solution since July 2018

Supported file format

DCM (DIC, DICOM, IMA, DCM without extension), NII, NRRD, MHD, MGH, MGZ

Workspaces for user-friendly GUI

  • Quad workspace: 3 sectional views (axial, sagittal, coronal) and one 3D perspective view
  • Slices workspace: 2D slice views of the medical volume are shown in slices workspace

Three different model representations

  • Slicer: slice image interpolated with 2D texture array
  • Volume: 3D volume rendering based on ray marching technique
  • Isosurface: polygonal mesh extracted from 3D volumetric data using marching cubes technique

Basic sketchers

  • Ruler: measure the distance between two positions
  • Angle: measure the angle between two segments defined by three handle points
  • Rectangle: compute the mean, standard deviation, maximum/minimum, and area from the sketched rectangle
  • Polygon: similar to the rectangle, but the sketched geometry is a polygon

Advanced sketchers

  • Biruler: Measure length and angle by selecting three points
  • Freehand: similar to the rectangle, but the sketched geometry is a free-form curve
  • Annotation: text message which user would like to write down
  • VoxelProbe: compute LPS and IJK coordinates and also optical intensity at that point

Future Works

MedicalWorks is a 3D WebGL-based medical solution that will provide versatile tools that import various kinds of medical files, construct anatomical models from these files, design patient-specific guides, and export the 3D models for CAE analysis or 3D printing.

Try the MedicalWorks

Please referherefor detailed instructions on how to use this software.